We have so many LTM in the rooms of social science like Geography, EVS which helps our students to acquire knowledge of social science through our lecturer. they are engage in the activities of Institutional programe like celebration of National days, celebration of birth day of the Great persons, and cultural programe during the year. we arrange a conducted educational Tour every year in the place of historical interests, geographical, biological, environmental settings.. They use maps, globes to remember the locations. Their concept has been clarified through the lived experience of individuals and communities. The approach to teaching therefore needs of open ended. Our lecturer try to discuss different dimension of social reality in the class, and work to increase awareness to the student. Model of solar month, Ebb and flow, wall clock, season change, Day and night, Brain, 3d Model, Bar magnet, Newton colour disk, Honey tower, Pocket board, Pazel India, Baromiter, Globe, Geography Health model, Abacus, Binocular, Rain gage, Magnifying glass, Histrical Chart, Timeline, Historical Maps,etc.